Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Today we had a surprise visitor to Otter class! William came dressed as Peter Pan, he is often dressed up as Peter Parker (Spiderman) so his new name didn’t take too long for us to remember!

Our new whole school topic is ‘Deep’. As our children have shown a BIG interest in all things pirate this year it didn’t take us long to find a way to incorporate them into this term’s learning. We will be learning through the stimulus of Peter Pan. The children are already hooked and as can be seen by William’s attire this morning they are already directing their own learning and finding ways to link their learning to the popular story.

Keep checking back to see all of the exciting things your children will be doing over this half term. It is only Tuesday and we have already had some wonderful writing and beautiful pencil sketches of seashells. I know that all of the adults in FS2 are just as excited as the children for this pirate themed four weeks.

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