Friday, May 16, 2014

We're going this way, that way...

Today was a very exciting day for Foxes. A pirate called First Mate Sulli visited us from Neverland. She came to ask for her help in making swords for the pirates. In Neverland they don’t have luxury things like sequins and glitter as Tinkerbell pinches all of those. The only things they had were toilet rolls, card, scissors, tape and a pencil. First Mate Sulli showed us the swords she had and then we worked hard with our talk partners to think of a way to make them.

First Mate Sulli wanted the children to help her write instructions for all of the pirates so they knew how to make them next time they needed some.

We all worked hard to show First Mate Sulli how well we can use our phonics in our writing. We had to stop so that she could get back to Captain Hook with the instructions before he woke up (and for assembly).

Steven followed his instructions to show us a finished sword, I expect more of the Foxes will carry on making them next week.

Well done Foxes you showed us how well you can share your ideas and lots of engagement and motivation.

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