Friday, November 21, 2014

Neela and Yasmin come to visit

Yesterday Mrs Gill came to visit Foxes and Otters together. She brought with her a special visitor, Neela. Neela had come to look around her school but some children hadn't been very nice to her, they had said mean things because she looked different to them.

Foxes and Otters were shocked to hear this, they always try really hard to be kind to each other. They told Mrs Gill not to worry they would make her feel happy again. Kerron told her she would look after Neela. Gigi said she would play with her and Mia told Neela she looked beautiful.

Neela was wearing a beautiful dress that her Grandma had sewn by hand and sent it to her all the way from India. It was a little bit big but the children told her she would soon grow into it.

Mrs Gill was pleased to hear this, she knew she could rely on FS2 to be kind. We all told Mrs Gill something we would say to Neela that was kind. There were lots of offers of people to play with her and lots of people wanted to take her to their house for chocolate cake, muffins and ice cream!!

Neela chose to sit next to some of the kind people she could see in the classroom as they would help her to feel happier.

Neela is still in Foxes class as she is having such a lovely time listening to the children being kind and watching them do kind things. Unfortunately, Mrs Gill had another friend who was also feeling hurt after the older children had said unkind words to her. Mrs Gill took Yasmin down to Otters class where she is seeing lots of kind actions and hearing lots of kind words.

Foxes class later chose to write down some of the kind things they had said and we have put them into a special kindness box- just in case other children need to hear kind things.

Well done Foxes and Otters!

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