Friday, October 25, 2013

Have a nice half term...

Today we performed in our very first assembly. The children were outstanding in their rendition of Hakuna Matata. Here is a small clip showing their hard work. We are very proud of all the children and the work they have done this half term.

Enjoy the break. See you all in a week!

Mrs Lewis and Miss Sullivan

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Expressive Art and Design

We have been busy transforming our creative area into an inviting, enclosed woodland to link our wildlife themed classrooms. The children have been painting foxes, otters, hedgehogs and squirrels. They are full of ideas of what our woodland needs. All of the FS children, teachers and practitioners have been working hard to enhance this learning environment. We will upload photos soon so that you can see it develop. For now here is a video of the children in FS2 as they created their own Andy Goldsworthy inspired art with natural materials. I think you will agree that the children produced some beautiful art!

Miss Sullivan and Mrs Lewis

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Number hunt

The children in FS2 became number hunters today.....we discovered that numbers really are everywhere!

We explored the whole school and had fun hunting for numbers, we also learnt where all of our older brothers and sisters did their learning. The staff photo board provided many laughs, who knew our photographs could be so funny!?

Can you find any numbers in your house? Let us know by writing in the diary, sending in photographs or commenting on our blog.

Miss Sullivan and Mrs Lewis.