
Talk, talk, talk...

Ask your child about our new dedicated talk sofa!

We have created a space dedicated to quality talk. The children helped to cover our sofa in interesting and different textured material. You may spot one of the beautiful woven cushions made by last year's FS2 children.

On our 'talk shelves' we have intriguing boxes filled with unusual and interesting objects. The children are invited to choose something that takes their fancy off the shelves to explore on the sofa. The sensory toys have been very popular so far as has the glittery box full of jewellery and beads. Our 'Talk Sofa' is based on a homey, inviting area where we can go for structured talk based on identified needs. Adults model good talk and invite the children to converse about their own opinions, likes and dislikes.

A lovely place to sit and listen to the wonderful things your children have to say....and to extend quality talk. :-)

Please use this blog as a discussion point with your children, they will be excited and eager to let you know all about their learning here at Lister School in Fs2. 
Encourage them to leave a comment with their thoughts and ideas, we will enjoy sharing these as part of our ICT learning. 

Miss Sullivan and Mrs Lewis.

Watch this space for talk challenges!

Who is this dragon? Where did it come from? Why is it so small? Where does it live? Who does it belong to? Is it yours? Is it a secret?


  1. We think the dragon lives in a dark damp place with his family. They have flown out of a fairy tale book and they need help finding their way home again. Can foxes and otters help them to get back home?
    How can we help them?

    Matthew and mummy

  2. Matthew I love your ideas. I wonder if any other Foxes have looked at this page yet. Lets talk about it at snack time on Monday and see what the other children think. Well done for commenting on the blog. Have a lovely weekend,
    Mrs Lewis

  3. This dragon looks quite fierce to Antonia. The smoke is like fire. Even though he is a baby. Antonia thinks the dragon is from Dragonland. Dragons fly in Dragonland, but because this one is only a baby, he is still learning to fly.
    Antonia and Mummy x

  4. Antonia, I love how your ideas are very different to Matthew's. Do you think that the baby dragon is in Dragonland in the picture? Whose hand is he resting on? I wonder how he will learn to fly? Miss Sullivan.

  5. Maybe the dragon is from the olden days when there were knights and castles. The dragon is to little to guard a princess yet but he might when he is bigger.

    Matthew and mummy

  6. Maybe the dragon is from the olden days when there were knights and castles. I think he is to little to guard a princess yet but he might do one day.

