Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Do fish have fingers?

Today was another exciting day in FS2. At snack time we had a special treat, we were able to try sea food sticks. Some of us thought these were very yummy.



When we came back from lunch Mrs Lewis and Miss Sullivan said they had a surprise for us. In Foxes class we tried to guess what was inside the bag by smelling it. Lots of us thought there were smelly socks hiding inside.

But it was ...
a trout and some prawns.
We were able to have a good look at the fish and touch them to see what they felt like.

Freiya picked up one of the prawns and started singing and making the prawn dance. There were lots of shrieks of excitement and joy and children coming over eager to join in.

Mrs Gill soon stopped as she walked past, she told the children about the fishes gills and a funny way to remember this new word. Just remember her surname! Meanwhile in Foxes class Logan was demonstrating how a fish uses its gills to breathe.

  Olivia encouraged her friends to touch the trout, she told them to touch the mouth " the teeth are spikey, not sharp but tickly".

We then used our sketching skills to draw the fish that we could see. We remembered how to shade with our pencil and use other techniques such as cross hatching.

Wyatt was reading a non- fiction book with a friend. They read a sentence about over fishing, Wyatt then told Miss Sullivan that "over fishing is just selfish and just horrid because people are killing fishes they didn't do anything wrong. We don't need to eat that many fish. Over fishing means take away too many sea animals, I mean sharks might not have enough to eat!"
All the children in FS2 were super scientists and awesome artists this afternoon. And impressed all of us with their observations.

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